Where You Have Not Been

2014-05-24 11.34.42

Brandon just returned not too long ago from being trained to do hypnosis and one of the main tenets of the training is that you cannot lead others where you have not been yourself. That is applicable to our work helping others in general. For that reason, we work hard as individuals and as an organization to be stretching ourselves consistently: growing as people and in our relationships with one another. If we as an organization cannot have healthy relationships with each other, how can we help others in their relationships? And, if we as people are not learning, growing and reaching new heights in our consciousness and personal character, how can we endeavor to help others do the same?

The best thing we can do as a team of helpers is work on personal growth and health, so that we can be helpful to others. If we do not work on ourselves, we have no business encouraging others to be moving forward with their lives. Hold us to that! Life is about moving forward and growing. Sometimes that comes through difficult circumstances and pain. We are here to help guide you through the process, realizing that we all must be working on our own personal and collective lives in order to go places we have not yet been.