Depressed? Differences between Clinical and Situational Depression

By Sarah Beardslee, LCPC

Note: Only a professional trained in recognizing and treating mental health diagnoses is qualified to diagnose someone, including yourself, with a mental health disorder. This post is for educational purposes, not for self-diagnosis. If you feel like you may struggle with these issues, seek out a qualified professional for clarity and help. 

The word “depression” is used in many ways throughout the world. People use the term “depression”  interchangeably with burnout, sadness, grief, or when having a bad day. This creates confusion for many when trying to determine whether they or someone they love is experiencing Read more

Mindfulness – Finding Peace in the Present

By Shauna Meier, LSCSW

There is something powerful we all have within us, something we can practice any place and any time. It is known to ease anxiety, lighten depression, interrupt impulsiveness, and bring more happiness and peace into our lives. This powerful practice is called Mindfulness. Simply stated, mindfulness can be defined as  “Paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally” (Kabat-Zinn).  Although mindfulness has been around for centuries, it has just recently received the attention and accolades it so rightfully deserves.

Mindfulness, being fully present in the moment, takes perseverance and patience as our minds are Read more

The Importance of Engaging Emotion (Yes, from A Therapist)


By Joel Ybarra, LCMFT

One of the most oft-cited reasons people do not go to therapy is because they do not want to “sit around and talk about their feelings.” People envision themselves in therapy talking about what is going on in their lives and the therapist making them talk about “how it makes them feel.” Well, not exactly, but engaging with our emotions is an important part of therapy. Oh, and life in general.

It is no wonder people have this stance toward therapy and emotion. The downplaying and dismissal of emotion is pervasive in our culture. Emotions … Read more